Christian Parenting International


Parenting and Health Professional Course is for everyone that wants to take Parenting Education as a career. This training is designed to meet the two greatest needs of the society which are Parenting and Health.

It is open to all — nurses, midwives, medical professionals, health workers, teachers, counsellors, administrators, psychologists, aides, paraprofessionals, would-be-mothers, pregnant and nursing mothers, church leaders, and other personalities that work with families.

Note that “Parenting and Health” are two major factors that determine human performance and productivity. This is because a man's usefulness in the society is determined by his upbringing and health status.

Parenting and Health is a course you can choose to do online or offline depending on your schedule. It is a course that will help us build a moral and disease-free society.


The science of parenting is like any other science. It has its own cause and effect. Without a clear understanding and accurate application of it in parenting, you will end up crushing the genius in your child. The quote “All children are born geniuses but crushed by parents and the society” by Michio Kaku actually begins from here. But this science dimension of parenting if applied will help you avoid crushing the genius in your child. It is divided into two: the natural and social science of parenting.

The Natural Science of Parenting

Natural science is the first line of action in parenting a genius. It is an indispensable and critical part of parenting that helps you avoid parental mistakes that can leave irreversible damage on your child. Nobody can ever produce a genius without applying this natural scientific fact. The period for its application is primarily from conception to three years of birth. The inability to apply it causes Attention Deficit Syndrome, Dyslexia, Chromosomal disorders, Autism, Nymphomaniac, Faetal Origin of Adult Disease (Intrauterine Grow Retardation (IUGR)), etc, among children. Note: It is the only way to lay a sound foundation for a child’s health, behaviour and intellectual ability. This science will help you predict your child’s future.


         –  The First Line of Action in Parenting a Genius

         –  Parenting and Dieting

         –  Parental Emergency Call

The Social Science of Parenting

Social science is the second line of action in parenting a genius. It is the dimension that deals with the socio-cultural aspect of parenting and the first measure to curb the present-day morality crisis and indiscipline among children. This science will help you raise and secure the future of your child. If the life of a child is what you make it, then making it better starts from here. It is truly the science that can change the world from home. The period for its application is between 3 to 18 years.


         –  The Second Line of Action in Parenting a Genius

         –  1st Psychosocial Parenting Action

         –  2nd Psychosocial Parenting Action

         –  The Greatest Parental Mistake on Earth

         –  Hypnotic Parenting System

This is a Personal Health Management course designed to build a disease-free society. It is an indispensable part of the parenting process. It is one of the best Personal Health Management training available in the world today. It is designed to achieve the following:

– To curb the negative occurrences in the family circle like the death of a parent or a child.

– To bring individuals out from the bondage of living on drugs to a perfect health condition.

– To help people live above 70 years without the pain of health challenges.

It is a training everyone needs to be alive and healthy. I guarantee you, it will help you “Never Get Sick.”


–      The Forbidden Health Practices

–      The Enemy of Human Health

–      The Human Rebirthing System

–      The Uncommon Way of Preventing and Curing Sickness

–      The Hidden and Most Powerful Therapy on Earth

–      Global Recommended Healthcare Practices you must Observe

–      Personal and Food Hygiene: The Best Defense against Diseases

–      Ideal Diets that Ensure Longevity for Different Age Groups

–      The Answer to Instant Weight Loss and Obesity Challenge

–      The First and Only Solution to Heart Diseases

–      The Only Solution and Permanent Cure for Cancer

–      The Easiest and Fastest Guaranteed Cure for Diabetes

–      The Universal Panacea: A Cure-All Therapy

This is one of the greatest secrets in the field of parenting. It is a guide that will help you succeed in parenting. Parenting is one of the most complex and strenuous professions in the world today. This is simply because babies don’t come with an instructional manual.

A lack of instructional manual is why many people fail as parents. According to Myles Munroe, “Stress is not knowing what to do.” When you don’t know what to do at every point in time in parenting, children grow up by default. To avoid this, every parent needs Parenting Manual Training. If you feel overwhelmed with your responsibility as a parent, this parenting manual is what you need. It will reveal critical steps or parental roles you need to succeed in childhood development, training and management. Don’t ignore it; it is a tool that simplifies the entire parenting process.


  • Parenting Clock
  • Parenting Calendar
  • Parenting Formula
  • Parenting Stages
  • Parenting Psychology

Character Education is the missing lesson in parenting and our school curriculum. It is a program that is founded to help parents and schools strike the balance between education and the character of a child.

Analyzing the state of the society and the behaviour of our children presently, it is obvious that the school and the home — the two basic platforms that determine what a child becomes — have not been able to strike the balance between academic achievement and the character of a child. Mahatma Gandhi described knowledge without character as one of the deadliest sins in the world today. The inability to balance education with character has become a menace triggering social vices and moral crisis in our world.

The objective of running a school and parenting can’t be complete until there is a balance between academic achievement and the character of a child. If this is not achieved, the future of our children is not predictable nor is it secured. It is now obvious that the academic achievement of a child alone, which has become the core focus of schools and parents, cannot make a child or change the society. This is because education without character is a vice; it is the fastest way of raising juvenile and corrupt society. This is what this Character Education Program is designed to correct. It is divided into two modules:

  1. Power to Say “NO” (For children)
  2. Character and Legacy (For parents)


This is a value re-orientation program designed to help children build capacity to resist negative influences and pressures outside the watchful eyes of their parents or guardian. It is a tool designed to help children deal with incompetence, inferiority complex and identity crisis that can make them vulnerable to negative influences and pressures.

The power to say “NO” is one of the things lacking in the society today. Knowing when to say no and saying it is a life skill. The good or bad things that happen to us are a product of the “YES” or “NO” we said. Life, like we all know, is a product of influence; it is either you are influencing someone or someone is influencing you. This is a universal law. Through this character education training, the willpower of a child to say ’NO’ to influence and pressure will be strengthened.

More so, this program is designed to teach children values that parents ignorantly or out of busy schedules don’t teach their children. Developing the power to say “NO” begins with Self Education.


  • Reading: The Making of a Man
  • Gender Education
  • Personality Management
  • Porn Education
  • Relationship and Social Competence
  • Hypnosis and Intimacy Theory
  • Falsehood and Storytelling
  • The Science of Habit Formation
  • Intellectual Development Program             
  • Career Choice and Guide: The Way Forward for Every Child


“Bad attitude or legacy is like a flat tire. You won’t go anywhere until you change it.” – Anonymous.

Character and legacy are two factors playing fundamental roles in the human family. Unfortunately, many people are struggling to leave a legacy even at the expense of their character. This is a great human struggle. Between heritage and legacy, there is a struggle or fight to balance achievement with character.

Please note that God is more interested in your character than your welfare. This is because failure in character is an institutional failure and not just an individual thing. “We shake the world by anointing, power, wealth and position but we sharpen the world by character” – CPI. True legacy is not power, wealth or influence but what you leave behind for the human family. The story of Jonathan Edwards and Max Jukes has proven this.


  1. What kind of a world would this be, if everyone in it was just like me?
  2. Do I like the human being I am becoming?

Take out one minute to do this character test. It is a standard test that will reveal how responsible or irresponsible you are becoming or have become. If the answer from this test is not positive, we recommend you sign up for this Character and Legacy Development Course.


  1. Power of Character and Legacy
  2. Stephen Covey’s Character Development Principles
  3. Character Reformation Tool
  4. Biology of Character
  5. Stress and Personality Management Principles
  6. Mahatma Gandhi’s Principle of Character Development
  7. Abraham Lincoln’s Character-Building Principles
  8. The Three Test Factors for Character Development
  9. Psychology of Character Development
  10. Five Laws of Character Development
  11. Six Common Threats to Character Development
  12. Storytelling and Character Development
  13. Emotional Maturity


How to Register

Registration for the next Parenting and Health Professional Course is ongoing. Simply click the button below to register now or contact us on +2348132048847, +2348030798181 or send us an email to