Christian Parenting International


Value-Centered Sex Education is a Child Safety and Protection Training at CPI. This training is compulsory for those who want to save their children from the activities of social catalysts that can corrupt them and make them vulnerable to sexual crisis. Every child is prone to sexual crisis if sound parenting measures like these are not adopted early.

Sex education is too important to be ignored or neglected. Your child is going to be sexually informed but the question is from what source? The answer to this question will determine the sexual health and orientation of your child. The unfortunate thing today is that our children get more information about SEX, PUBERTY and RELATIONSHIP from friends and the media rather than their parents.

The right person to give your child sexual education is you. It is too personal and sensitive an issue to let your child get it from another source. This is why you need this Value-Centered Sex Education Training to equip you. Ignorance, failure or delay in sex education for your child may result in one sexual crisis or the other.

Note: Parents who do not sexually educate their children leave them at the mercy of self, hormones, social catalysts, peer influence and/or hypnosis.

Harold Sala, the author of “Raising Godly Kids” said the world is not your child’s friend. This is why uncles, family friends, neighbours, lesson teachers and domestic staff sexually abuse children kept in their care. The only guaranteed way to protect your child from sexual crisis is getting equipped with information at Value-Centered Sex Education training. It is the best way to raise a morally sound, emotionally intelligent and socially competent child. This training is divided into basic and advanced course units.

Basic Value-Centered Sex Education Course Outline

  1. Myth of Sex, Puberty and Relationship
  2. 7-38-55% Sex Education Rule
  3. Sexual Crisis
  4. Social Catalysts
  5. Falsehood and False Assurance
  6. Intimacy Language
  7. Social Competence

Advanced Value-Centered Sex Education Course Outline

  1. Sex Education Conversion (Question and Answer) for 0-2 Years
  2. Sex Education Conversion (Question and Answer) for 3-5 Years
  3. Sex Education Conversion (Question and Answer) for 6-8 Years
  4. Sex Education Conversion (Question and Answer) for 9-12 Years
  5. Sex Education Conversion (Question and Answer) for TEEN Years

This Advanced Value-Centered Sex Education Course is designed to break the biggest barrier most parents have with talking to their children about SEX EDUCATION, which is knowing what to say, how to say it and when to say it.

For more enquiries on Value-Centered Sex Education, contact us on +2348132048847, +2348030798181 or send us an email:



How to Register

To Register for Value Centered Sex Education fill the form or contact us on +2348132048847, +2348030798181 or send us an email: