Christian Parenting International


Our Partnership

It is a fact that the world is controlled by these major platforms: government, education, media and religion. But judging from the world’s current situation, it is obvious that these platforms have failed the human family. The Church, an institution ordained by God to redeem the world has also missed it. This happened because they all lost focus on the home (the family).

As we have noted, “If you want to change the world, you must start from the home.” But how can you change the home without Parenting Education? Unfortunately, the church conducts weddings and gets couples into the marriage institution without formal parenting training on how to nurture the product of that marriage; the child. This is where the Church missed it. Until the Church returns to this neglected responsibility, the world cannot be fixed. This is why CPI wants to partner with the Church to change the world and return her to God through the “MINISTRY OF PARENTING”.

The Church is the government of God on the earth and has a responsibility to dominate the earth through family, governance and the educational system. Before now, the Church was in charge of government, school and family. She even gave birth to democracy, western education, and has produced most of the greatest nations on earth — America, Great Britain, Israel, etc. The United States of America is a product of the Church and has now become a world power. Her founding fathers and leaders were Christians. Their national motto: “In God We Trust” proves it. A quote from George Washington, the 1st United States President, also showed the kind of people they were. He said, “It is impossible to rule the world without God and the Bible.” Note that their leadership style which is democracy was drawn from the leadership style of God as represented below.


In this leadership style, God legislates, the Holy Spirit interprets while Jesus Christ executes. This was how the concept of democracy was founded. In the book, “Breaking the Jewish Code,” Perry Stone showed how the very founding documents of America, including the declaration of independence, the constitution, and the bill of rights are national documents that have moral principles in the Torah (the first five books of the bible). But today, America, a country founded upon the principles of the word of God and whose motto reads, “In God We Trust,” has lost its Christian dominion in government which they founded and has become one of the countries with many ungodly policies. How did this happen? It is simply because the founding fathers and Church could not sustain and replicate their faith to this present generation.

Great Britain was founded by King James VI of Scotland and the 1st King of England after he merged Scotland and England, after the death of Queen Elizabeth I. He laid the foundation of Great Britain on sound religious background and set one of the greatest landmarks in the world when he ordered the translation of the King James Version Bible in 1604. This has not only reformed Britain but has played a unique role in western civilization and the historical development of America. Today, Great Britain has emerged as one of the world’s most influential nations on earth. But the greatest of all is how they influenced and conquered the world through their mother tongue, English Language.

Do you know that the English Language is now the official language of the world? This is how powerful Great Britain has become. Please note that language carries the culture of a people and any people you speak their language controls you. Unfortunately, the church lost the Christian dominion King James and 47 Christian scholars that translated the King James Bible laid because there was no formal strategy to preserve the godly heritage that Great Britain was founded on.

What about Israel? Israel is less than one percent of the world’s population but has become one of the strongest forces on earth. Their president in the 70th United Nations meeting made a public statement that proved this. He said, “No force on earth can threaten Israel.”

The secret is the Torah; the same secret the United States of America and Great Britain were built on. Unlike the United States of America and Great Britain, Israel was able to preserve this godly heritage and transferred it from generation to generation. This was possible through a highly organized family model called the Jewish Life Cycle. Though the only people scattered across the face of the earth and were without a nation for 1,939 years, they retained their original culture, prayer and language. The secret is in their universal family operating system.

The United States of America and Great Britain missed it because there were no formal practices to retain and pass on the godly heritage to the next generation. They lost focus on the family but Israel did not.

Today, Islam is another force that is rising. Their major secret to preserving the culture and tradition of Islam is the Islamic school and Arabic language. The Islamic school and Arabic language are the first things a Muslim is exposed to before the civilization of western education. The Islamic school and Arabic language are their sustainability strategy. This is critical because of the principle of the “First Seven Years Childhood Development” which research has proven.

1-7 years is called the period of effortless learning or imprint period. After that, everything is done by reinforcement. This is because a child is still in the world of fiction and emotions, and cannot differentiate between fiction and reality. Here, they just record new information as reality. The same research has shown that children learn everything they need to learn in their first seven years of life but the most shocking aspect is that a child learns half of everything he knows by the age of three, three-fourths (75%) by the age of seven.

After age seven, children learn only what they want to learn. In other words, Islam has a system that helps them maximize these seven years of effortless learning to indoctrinate kids. This is their secret. Until the church wakes up to this reality and adopts a universal parenting model to maximize these first seven years of effortless learning, we can't guarantee and predict what our children will become tomorrow.

This is a burden at CPI and we have taken the responsibility to correct it in the body of Christ. We will like to invite you to partner with us on this if you share the same burden.


The worse happened when the government took over schools the missionaries and the church founded. The school was a compulsory platform the church used to inculcate morality and godly values in children. Today, the school has become the major platform for negative influence and social vices like drug abuse, prostitution, cultism, etc, under the watch of the government.

At one time, America boasted to have the world’s greatest system of education, but this was actually when their educational system was based on Judeo-Christian values. At this time, it was the envy of the world. But all that changed when secular humanism and philosophy that led to secular education replaced the bible as the foundation of education. Today, the Bible on which the nation’s school system was founded, is the only thing you cannot study in public schools in many nations. Children are now taught everything except God in the name of secular education.


Now that the church has lost influence in the government, and the educational system and has no universal system of raising children and replicating the godly heritage our founding fathers left. What then is our hope?

Note that if countries that were practically built on the principles and practice of the word of God lost their godly heritage because they couldn't pass it on, the same can happen to any nation or people professing Christ or any belief today but don't have an effective parenting system from which to pass on these principles and practices to their children. “Anything you cannot reproduce or preserve will die” - Myles Munroe.

Great Britain and the United States of America could have brought the world to God if they had developed an effective parenting strategy and made it a Christian routine. Today, when the Arabic language is mentioned, Islam comes to mind and when Latin is mentioned, the Catholic Church comes to mind. This could have been the situation with Christianity today. Great Britain and America didn't emerge as the world’s most influential countries and world power for nothing, God intended to use them to spread and retain the culture of heaven on earth through democracy and western education, the leadership style of God He gave to America and Great Britain respectively. Today, almost all the countries of the world practice democracy and use the western educational system or even speak the English Language. If they had developed a sustainability plan to preserve the godly heritage with which they were founded, Christianity could have been a global affair today.

Democracy and Western Education are the strongest forces the world has ever experienced. Their influence is still growing but does not carry that culture of God, which was originally intended. Britain is supposed to promote godliness through western education and language while America was supposed to promote it through governance — democracy. But they could not because there were no effective parenting strategies.

But our generation can change these negative trends through Parenting Education. This is where the church needs to play a huge role. The church is the government of God on earth and has a primary role to save the world. For the church to be able to secure the next generation or transfer our godly heritage to our kids, parenting education must be made part of our religious routine.

The home is the smallest unit of the society and the smallest unit of the church. This coincidence puts the church in a strategic position to influence society. To change the society, you must start from the home; this can only happen through parenting education. Unfortunately, the church is so busy with religious routines and has neglected this important project. Until the church returns to the Ministry of Parenting, the world cannot be fixed.

The church is not just a religious commission but a national development institution designed to play a strategic role in the human family. The ignorance of this is why we have so many churches yet morality crisis, insecurity and social vices thriving in the society. It is time for the church to wake up to this responsibility and we believe the best place to start is to:

  1. Introduce Parenting Education into the Bible School Curriculum. This is because Bible School is a platform that produces pastors/clergies that ordain marriages and superintend over families every week.
  2. Introduce Parenting Education into the Church Marriage Program. This will help stop the growing trend of people getting into the marriage institution without formal parenting training to nurture the product of marriage — children.

This is why we seek your partnership. Call the CPI office on +2348132048847, +2348030798181 or send us an email:, if you wish to partner with us. 


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