Christian Parenting International


Our Call

Our call at CPI is to pioneer the next move of God, which is, to change the world from the home. The world is sick and in deep chaos and all effort to rescue her has proven abortive due to wrong approaches. Reacting to symptoms instead of addressing the cause is what has kept the world in this present situation. When people, institutions or nations focus on the symptoms instead of the cause of a problem, they circumvent and the chances of possible reoccurrence of that problem are high. This has been the situation. Until the root cause of a thing or situation is known, there can never be a permanent solution. This is the case with the human family. Note: the root cause of all the world challenges is rooted in the home (the family).

The home is the last hope for the world. It is a platform that God wants to use to re-establish and regain dominion on the earth. Our role is to pioneer it. This is our call!


The Great Commission is part of our apostolic mandate at CPI, and we are committed to fulfilling it through the Ministry of Parenting. The Great Commission is the instruction Jesus Christ gave in Matthew 28:16-20 to His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations (AMP). The disciples and patriarchs of old sacrificed their comfort, families and life to pursue this task and they succeeded, although Christianity suffered major challenges between the 33 AD (apostolic era) and 1755 AD (reformation age). According to Geoffrey Hanks in his book, “60 Great Founders,” Christianity had gained ground in all the five continents by the 19th Century. This success, if sustained, could have made Christianity a global affair today. But we lost that ground because the church era could not sustain the growth. History revealed that the nations that were conquered for God during the apostolic era and the reformation age lost their Christian dominance during this era, especially this modern church era. How did this happen?


Research at CPI has spotted three “Whys” and “How” the modern church era lost the legacy obtained by the apostolic and reformation age. These include:

1. Denominational Barrier

This has created disagreement and division in the body of Christ. The Bible recorded in Mark 3:25 “that a house divided against itself cannot stand.” Without a doubt, this is what has happened to the body of Christ. The disagreement in doctrine and conviction weakened the force of our advancement and shifted the focus of the church from the great commission. Instead of aiding our growth, it has created strife, competition, conflict, discrimination and criticism in the body of Christ. Amos 3:3 has revealed that two cannot walk together except they agree. This is simply the situation now in the body of Christ.

2. Member’s Conversion Syndrome

There is a difference between member conversion and soul winning. Soul winning is the primary objective of the church; this they did through crusades and evangelism. But today, the trend has changed; it is members’ conversion (making members from other church congregations). Without even realizing it, our conferences and programs are targeted toward harvesting from other people’s labour or protecting our church members from being converted. This is not the Great Commission. This has shown why Christianity is losing ground in our era despite the increasing number of churches in the world today.

3. The Dilemma of Incompetent and Unskilled Labourers

Matthew 9:37-38: Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest” (KJV).

This scripture implies that, no matter how some people or congregation pray for revival, it may never come. This is because some harvests are delicate and require skilled and competent labourers. This is why Jesus Christ asked His disciples to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest. Note that only God knows the right (competent and skilled) labourers for his harvest. If you send unskilled labourers into the harvest of ripped tomatoes, for instance, the chances that the harvest will be wasted are high. This is because the labourers lack the skill and competence to preserve the harvest. For God, the main concern is not the harvest but the preservation of the harvest.

Have you wondered why Peter was sent to the Jews but Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles? It is a matter of competence. Peter was the only one among the disciples that had a revelation of Jesus Christ while Paul the Apostle was the only one among the disciple that had the kind of training required to convert the Gentiles; a renowned lawyer that was trained by Gamaliel, one of the premier teachers of the law.  

This explanation will help us understand Ezekiel 22:30. It is one of the scriptures that says that “God is looking for a man.” The harvest is indeed plentiful but there are no competent or skilled labourers. This is one of the problems of the modern church era.

Having gone through the three “Whys” and “How” the modern church era lost the legacy the apostolic and reformation era laid, it is now obvious the reason Christianity is losing ground in this era despite the increasing number of churches. But there is good news!

There is a generational shift; a shift from the Church Era to Kingdom Era. This shift is the beginning of a new era in the body of Christ and the objective is to shift the attention of the body of Christ from the congregation to the home. This is because the altar of God is gradually moving from Church infrastructure to the home. 


This shift is a move of God to change the world from the home, and we at CPI have been given the mandate to pioneer it through the Ministry of Parenting. The emergence of the Kingdom Era is intended to decentralize the workload of the Church Era and bring the move of God from the CHURCH to the HOME.

The Church Era has programmed the body of Christ to believe that certain encounters and moves of God are only restricted to the pulpit, church auditorium and worship days. But the emergence of the Kingdom Era is here to change that narrative. The Kingdom Era is here to make priests and pulpits out of every home in the body of Christ and use them to change the world from the home.

Imagine when everyone in the body of Christ decides to focus on their home as their pulpit; pastor their home, pray for their home, fast for their home, preach to their home and evangelize their home. Even without public evangelism and crusades, the nations will be aflame for God in less than a decade. This is the goal of this Kingdom Era.


The home is the smallest unit of the church and the smallest unit of the society. This has strategically placed the home at the forefront of God’s agenda and as a powerful change agent. The above statement has made it clear that there is something more important than the church and the society; that is the home. As powerful as the church and society are, they are at the mercy of the home. This is why the major focus of God in this Kingdom Era is the HOME.

A popular quote at CPI states: “if you want to change the world, you must start from the home. But how can you change the home without the Ministry of Parenting?” The Ministry of Parenting is a baton-passing system and the only tool that can help predict, disciple and secure the next generation. Unfortunately, it is one of the missing things in the body of Christ today.

The human race is not designed as a sprint or a marathon but as a relay race; it runs from one generation to another. The most important thing in a relay race is the ability to pass the baton. To date, many parents and leaders in the body of Christ have not understood this generational concept of passing the baton. It is a fact that everything God created including human beings is designed to produce after its kind. This is God’s sustainability plan. Myles Munroe said that “anything you cannot reproduce or replicate will die.” This is the case with the body of Christ. For human beings, the process of replicating after their kind is not just procreation but PARENTING. This is the missing link.

The problem we have had in the body of Christ is that the concept of parenting, for more than 2000 years, has been neglected. It is sad to note that as essential as parenting is in the body of Christ, it is the only unit or ministry you will never find in churches today. This is one of the reasons why we succeed in everything including ministry but struggle to raise our children and pass on our faith from one generation to another.

To be able to pass the baton successfully, every parent and leader in the body of Christ needs Parenting Education. This is the hallmark of the Ministry of Parenting and the only tool parents and leaders in the body of Christ can use to meet the tripartite need of man and replicate our kind from one generation to another.

According to Wikipedia, there are 2.382 billion Christians in the whole world, which is about 31.11% of the global population. If this number and the body of Christ decide to embrace the Ministry of Parenting, whose main purpose is to predict, disciple and secure the next generation, Christianity will be a global affair in less than three decades.


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