Christian Parenting International


This is an on-demand excerpt from our main Parenting Education training. It is designed to meet specific parenting needs or solve critical parenting challenges. It was developed based on the numerous counselling experiences, requests, suggestions, complaints, survey feedback and questions at CPI. Below are selected private parenting lessons available now in CPI:

Gender or Sex Selection is a family planning tool designed to help you balance the gender equation in your family. You can achieve your gender goal and determine the exact number of children you want to give birth to through this training.

Abraham Lincoln once said, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” As an intending couple or a parent, you can predict the gender of your children and determine their number. Save your family the stress of going from one pregnancy to another just to get a particular gender by attending this training. It will help you achieve your gender goal and get the exact number of children you want.

You don’t need to gamble in child-bearing. Pregnancy is not a journey you should embark on ignorantly. The goal should be determined beforehand. You don’t have all the time to make mistakes and experiment. Be intentional with child-bearing. Enroll today for the ongoing Gender Selection training and we will help you achieve your gender goal and the number of children you have always wanted.

Fill the form at the bottom of the page to register now or contact us on +2348132048847, +2348030798181 or send us an email:

Maternity Preparatory Course is the science behind parenting a genius. It is a fundamental training that helps lay a solid foundation for a child’s health, behaviour and intellectual performance before birth. This course is designed to help you predict and secure your child’s health, behaviour and academic performance: the three things that determine your child’s productivity or what the child becomes even before he/she is born.

It teaches a new concept of family planning that helps to curb parental mistakes and birth disorders that can leave a permanent defect on your child. It is a parenting secret every parent must know. There is no exception to this because whatever happens at conception, pregnancy and childbirth plays a major role in what the child will become.

If you want to change the world, you must start from home. But how can you change the world without effective parenting? The art of effective parenting begins with the Maternity Preparatory Course. It is a compulsory training for young people intending to get into the marriage institution.


  1. It helps prevent fetal origin of adult diseases (Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR) that makes a child suffer diabetes, cardiovascular problems, hypertension, cerebral palsy, etc, later in life.
  2. It helps prevent genetic and chromosomal disorders. This is the menace triggering crime, incompetence and irresponsibility among children.
  3. It helps prevent Attention Deficit Disorder. This is the bedrock of stubbornness, poor reading culture, memory loss, and forgetfulness.
  4. It helps prevent misplacement of identity.
  5. It helps prevent obesity in children.

Fill the form at the bottom of the page to register now or contact us on +2348132048847, +2348030798181 or send us an email:

The First Seven Years is called the formative years or the years of effortless learning or the imprint period. It is the period children live in the world of fiction and emotions, and cannot differentiate between fiction (falsehood) and reality. Here, they just record new information as reality. But after the first seven years, everything is done by reinforcement.

Research has shown that children learn everything they need to learn in their first seven years of life but the most shocking aspect is that a child learns half of everything he knows by the age of three, and three-fourth by the age of seven. After age seven, children learn only what they want to learn. This is so because the brain is at the state of hypnosis; an autopilot learning state. Hypnosis is a state when the brain is at theta frequency; the frequency where the brain is vibrating below consciousness.

The ignorance of this fact has produced a counterproductive result. This is because caregivers, classroom teachers and parents end up making the right input at the wrong time and the wrong input at the right time. This has become a limiting factor in childhood development, training and management. But the good news is that this course is designed to educate you about the first seven years and how to maximize it. Registration for the First Seven Years Childhood Development Training is ongoing; don’t miss it.

Fill the form at the bottom of the page to register now or contact us on +2348132048847, +2348030798181 or send us an email:

Character Education is the missing lesson in parenting and our school curriculum. It is a program that is founded to help parents and schools strike the balance between education and the character of our children.

Analyzing the state of the society and the behaviour of our children presently, it is obvious that the school and the home — the two basic platforms that determine what a child becomes — have not been able to strike the balance between academic achievement and the character of a child. Mahatma Gandhi describes knowledge without character as one of the deadliest sins in the world today. The inability to balance education with character has become a menace triggering social vices and moral crises in our world.

The objective of running a school and parenting can’t be complete until there is a balance between academic achievement and the character of a child. If this is not achieved, the future of our children is not predictable nor is it secured. It is now obvious that the academic achievement of a child alone, which has become the core focus of schools and parents, cannot make a child or change the society. This is because education without character is a fast way of raising juvenile and corrupt society. This is what this Character Education Program is designed to correct. Enroll to be a part of the next character education training.

Fill the form at the bottom of the page to register now or contact us on +2348132048847, +2348030798181 or send us an email:

Value-Centered Sex Education is a Child Safety and Protection Training at CPI. This training is compulsory for those who want to save their children from the activities of social catalysts that can corrupt them and make them vulnerable to sexual crisis. Every child is prone to sexual crisis if sound parenting measures like these are not adopted early.

Sex education is too important to be ignored or neglected. Your child is going to be sexually informed but the question is from what source? The answer to this question will determine the sexual health and orientation of your child. The unfortunate thing today is that our children get more information about SEX, PUBERTY and RELATIONSHIP from friends and the media rather than their parents.

The right person to give your child sexual education is you. It is too personal and sensitive an issue to let your child get it from another source. This is why you need this Value-Centered Sex Education Training to equip you. Ignorance, failure or delay in sex education for your child may result in one sexual crisis or the other.

Note: Parents who do not sexually educate their children leave them at the mercy of self, hormones, social catalysts, peer influence and/or hypnosis.

Harold Sala, the author of “Raising Godly Kids” said the world is not your child’s friend. This is why uncles, family friends, neighbours, lesson teachers and domestic staff sexually abuse children kept in their care. The only guaranteed way to protect your child from sexual crisis is getting equipped with information at Value-Centered Sex Education training. It is the best way to raise a morally sound, emotionally intelligent and socially competent child. This training is divided into basic and advanced course units.

Basic Value-Centered Sex Education Course Outline

  1. Myth of Sex, Puberty and Relationship
  2. 7-38-55% Sex Education Rule
  3. Sexual Crisis
  4. Social Catalysts
  5. Falsehood and False Assurance
  6. Intimacy Language
  7. Social Competence

Advanced Value-Centered Sex Education Course Outline

  1. Sex Education Conversion (Question and Answer) for 0-2 Years
  2. Sex Education Conversion (Question and Answer) for 3-5 Years
  3. Sex Education Conversion (Question and Answer) for 6-8 Years
  4. Sex Education Conversion (Question and Answer) for 9-12 Years
  5. Sex Education Conversion (Question and Answer) for TEEN Years

This Advanced Value-Centered Sex Education Course is designed to break the biggest barrier most parents have with talking to their children about SEX EDUCATION, which is knowing what to say, how to say it and when to say it.

Fill the form at the bottom of the page to register now or contact us on +2348132048847, +2348030798181 or send us an email:

Girl-Child Education is a tool that can change the world. This program is designed to nurture the inner strength, creativity and self-esteem of the girl-child. It is a tool that will help the girl-child become politically correct, socially competent, emotionally balanced and morally intelligent. Furthermore, it will help parents and the girl-child harness the following potentials:

  1. The thinking and language skills of the girl-child that gives her the ability to speak a minimum of 8,000 words and think more than 6,000 thoughts a day.
  2. The 2.8 more genetic materials (capacity) she has over the boy-child.
  3. 200% creativity and intelligence encoded in the chromosome of the girl-child.
  4. Brain Hemisync ability: This is synchronization of the left (logic) and right (emotion) hemisphere of the brain and enables 100% brain utilization.

Note that these inborn capacities, when harnessed through an effective Girl-Child Education training like this, will make the girl-child the best scientist, teacher, manager, ICT expert, inventor, leader and professional you can think of in the world.

If you have a girl-child or wish to give birth to a girl-child, we recommend this Girl-Child Educational Program for you.

Fill the form at the bottom of the page to register now or contact us on +2348132048847, +2348030798181 or send us an email:

This is one of our greatest work in the field of parenting. It is a universal parenting tool. Parenting is one of the most complex and strenuous professions in the world today. This is simply because babies don’t come with an instructional manual.

A lack of instructional manual is why many people fail as parents. According to Myles Munroe, “Stress is not knowing what to do.” When you don’t know what to do at every point in time in parenting, children grow up by default. To avoid this, every intending couple or parent needs Parenting Manual before getting into the marriage institution. If you feel overwhelmed with your responsibility as a parent, this parenting manual is what you need. It is a tool that simplifies the entire parenting process.


  • Parenting Clock
  • Parenting Calendar
  • Parenting Formula
  • Parenting Stages
  • Parenting Psychology

Fill the form at the bottom of the page to register now or contact us on +2348132048847, +2348030798181 or send us an email:

This is a Personal Health Management course designed to build a disease-free society. It is an indispensable part of the parenting process. It is one of the best Personal Health Management training available in the world today. It is designed to achieve the following:

– To curb the negative occurrences in the family circle like the death of a parent or a child.

– To bring individuals out from the bondage of living on drugs to a perfect health condition.

–  To help people live above 70 years without the pain of health challenges.

It is a training everyone needs to be alive and healthy. I guarantee you: it will help you Never Get Sick. Don’t go through life without this training.


–      The Forbidden Health Practice

–      The Enemy of Human Health

–      The Human Rebirthing System

–      The Uncommon Way of Preventing and Curing Sickness

–      The Hidden and Most Powerful Therapy on Earth

–      Global Recommended Healthcare Practices You Must Observe

–      Personal and Food Hygiene: The Best Defense Against Diseases

–      Ideal Diets that Ensure Longevity for Different Age Groups

–      The Answer to Instant Weight Loss and Obesity Challenge

–      The First and Only Solution to Heart Diseases

–      The Only Solution and Permanent Cure for Cancer

–      The Easiest and Fastest Guaranteed Cure for Diabetes

–      The Universal Panacea: A Cure-All Therapy

Fill the form at the bottom of the page to register now or contact us on +2348132048847, +2348030798181 or send us an email:

Hypnotic Parenting System is not a magic or mystical approach. It is a system of influencing children to bring them to a breaking point without them even realizing it. It is the secret of parenting the 21st century child. It is also referred to as Democratic Parenting; parenting of the child, by the child and with the child. It is a tool that will help you:

  1. Solve optical illusion parenting challenges
  2. Tame, change and domesticate a derailing child
  3. Break negative habits, patterns or addictions in life
  4. Save children from social catalysts that can make them vulnerable to sexual crisis.

Are you struggling to raise your children or losing control of them? This training is for you. It is also for parents who don’t know what to do again to curb their children’s art of indiscipline or stubbornness.

Fill the form at the bottom of the page to register now or contact us on +2348132048847, +2348030798181 or send us an email:

Emotional maturity is a personal development and self-leadership course in CPI that will help you achieve moral excellence in marriage, parenting and leadership. It is a course that will help you live a principle-centered and value-driven life.

A popular quote states that “Before you can conquer the world, conquer yourself first (Proverb 25:28), and before you lead others, lead yourself.” This is the hallmark of emotional maturity. Unfortunately, many are in positions of authority over others but have no rule over themselves. Until you conquer self, you can’t be a good spouse, leader or parent. Below are the things this Emotional Maturity Course will help you achieve:

  • It will help you master your emotion and manage your weaknesses.
  • It will help you fight all forms of negative communication that may result out of impatience, anger, irritation or stress.
  • It will help you withstand, hold, tolerate or accept any kind of action and reaction from people without losing your temper or expressing violent anger.
  • It will help you talk and not shout; you’ll use your words and not your voice.
  • It will help you beat stress hormones and ensure your emotions never overpower your intelligence.

This Emotional Maturity course is an indispensable tool in your marriage, parenting and leadership journey.

Fill the form at the bottom of the page to register now or contact us on +2348132048847, +2348030798181 or send us an email:

Habit formation in children is a crucial topic in parenting. This is so because habit is one thing that shapes the lives of our children for the better or for the worse. Our success and failure in parenting is largely dependent on our understanding of the science of habit formation. As a matter of fact, it makes parenting predictable.

This course also highlights the latest research by psychologists and neuroscientists on the process of habit formation and how to break bad habits. This is a win-win parenting tool and the answer to the worst questions ever asked:

  1. How come my child has turned out the way I never bargained for?
  2. Why is my child so stubborn despite all my corrective measures?

Registration for The Science of Habit Formation is ongoing;

Fill the form at the bottom of the page to register now or contact us on +2348132048847, +2348030798181 or send us an email:


How to Register

Registration for the next Private Parenting Lesson is ongoing. Simply click the button below to register now or contact us on +2348132048847, +2348030798181 or send us an email to